Backup Solutions

Data Loss Can Be FrustratingKnowing your personal photos, documents and emails are safe has always been a challenge. Backing up your data isn’t a new concept, however as there are so many different services and types of backup solutions  it has become harder to figure out which one is for you.

This is especially a more challenging concept in commercial environments as additional security considerations have to be made.

Home and Home Office

In the home and home office scenario you have all sorts of options available to you. Many back-up solutions provide you with sufficient back-up capability but they can come with their own little surprises once you try to restore your data.

Commercial and Small Business Solutions

It is easy to just choose any back-up solution however do you know where your data is stored? Who has access to it? For that matter how often is your data backed up? In the commercial or small business situation it becomes considerably more difficult to come up with a proper Data Safety Plan. When Solve it Consultants does a data safety analysis, I consider not only the occasional backing up of your data but also the safety of it.

Technology Hard to UnderstandIf your Data Server/Computers do in fact encounter a failure, it is important to me that the recovery process is the least painless and you are back to work as quickly as possible.

If your Computer Systems are based on Apple or Windows platform does not matter, Solve it Consultants analyzes your back up needs and will provide you with the best possible solution to ensure your information’s safety.

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